Clear Out Viral Phlegm

Praise the Lord!

This may help to Clear Our Sinuses and help Us Cough Up Viral Phlegm in the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs.

Do it in the Name of Jesus Christ.

2 oz (1/4 cup) water, preferably Spring Water, in a glass bottle with cap

Cap (or 2) of Apple Cider Vinegar – like Bragg Organic 

5 shakes of Simply Organic Ginger Powder 

1 or more shakes of Simply Organic Cayenne (Red Pepper) Powder 

Little bit of Organic Raw Honey on tip of spoon


 – Stir in honey and drink a little at a time – until it is done.

Note: honey may be replaced with some Fruit Juice, e. g. Apple.


 – Cap the bottle and shake to mix contents;

– Lick a bit of Honey and drink; repeat until it is done.

This process may be repeated 2 or 3 times/day until Head and Lungs are clear.

Please see the Look and Live Newsletter on the Look and Live page.
