This website is all about loving life like God does.
God is Love is Life is Eternal Life.
God created Life = Us.
Can we return His love of life?
Can we love life, us, too?
The dream or vision for a website began to bloom with the birth of Internet, although prior to that, opportunity always presented itself to share positive life-affirming information with others. For the past twenty + years, the annual Family Reunion letter was a primary sharing vehicle.
This Love Life Like God site was begun privately in 2017 with four pages and three photos* (2015 – 2017) taken with an Android phone. Those pages are:
1. *(13Sep2015) front Welcome / God first loved us and chose us to live;
2. Yes, Jesus Loves me;
3. *(8Mar2016) Jesus is the Light of Life; and
4. *(19Aug 2017) Look and Live.
During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown starting in March of 2020, work began on a newsletter to family and friends on the subject, Survive The Virus God’s Way. The newsletter is a culmination of family text messages and Facebook post to encourage us to boost our immune systems for health and life with real food God gives us. Relevant website articles are referenced, as well as the pertinent book, Patient Heal Thyself, by Jordan Rubin, New York Times best-selling author of The Maker’s Diet.
In December, this site, though still under construction, became active, then public, in conjunction with the newsletter, which became entitled, Look and Live. Upon receipt of permission to publish by Rubin’s publishing company, the Look and Live Newsletter was printed and mailed to about five hundred people and/or families across the USA by December 31, 2020.
Happy 2021!
Praise our God for a new year, and a new opportunity to please Him.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord
At the beginning of January, 2021, vintage photos were featured on site pages 1 and 2 mentioned above.
In Second Quarter (Q2), the website Copyright statement was modified to include BelieveUP LLC. The Look and Live Newsletter was modified as indicated on the Look and Live page.
In Q3, a new page was added to the site for The Holy Bible from the front Welcome / God first loved us and chose us to live page.
The Holy Bible References page continues in the background. All pages are subject to modification.
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