Archive For September 26, 2023
Praise the Lord! This may help to Clear Our Sinuses and help Us Cough Up Viral Phlegm in the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Do it in the Name of Jesus Christ. 2 oz (1/4 cup) water, preferably Spring Water, in a glass bottle with cap Cap (or 2) of Apple Cider Vinegar – like Bragg Organic 5…
Praise the Lord! Web Article regarding Eating and Longevity: These are the Anti-inflammatory Foods that the Longest Living People on the Planet Eat Every Day Website: WellAndGood Highlights: A. 5 Blue Zones: 1. Okinawa, Japan; 2. Ikaria, Greece; 3. Sardinia, Italy; 4. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; 5. Loma Linda, California B. Science Backed Research …